Previous Years Neighborhood Awards

2017 Neighborhood Awards

Association of the Year:
Astor Neighborhood Association

Newly elected Chair Dan Theno (left) and Neighborhood Support Specialist Will Peters (right) presenting Astor Neighborhood Association with the 2017 Neighborhood of the Year Award.

Outstanding Beautification Projects Award:
Starlite Neighborhood Association

Newly elected Chair Dan Theno(Center) and Neighborhood Support Specialist Will Peters(third from left) presenting Starlite Neighborhood Association with the 2017 award for Outstanding Beautification Projects.

Outstanding Communication:
Mather Heights Neighborhood Association

Newly elected Chair Dan Theno(Center) and Neighborhood Support Specialist Will Peters(second from left) presenting Mather Heights Neighborhood Association with the 2017 award for Outstanding Communication.

Outstanding Event:
Red Smith Park Neighborhood Association

Newly elected Chair Dan Theno(second from right) and Neighborhood Support Specialist Will Peters(far left) presenting Red Smith Park Neighborhood Association the 2017 award for Outstanding Event.

Phoenix Award:
Maple Arches Neighborhood Association

Newly elected Chair Dan Theno (far right) and Neighborhood Support Specialist Will Peters (second from right) presenting Maple Arches Neighborhood Association with the 2017 Phoenix Award.

Neighborhood Advocate Award:
Fisk Addition Neighborhood Association

Newly elected Chair Dan Theno(right) and Neighborhood Support Specialist Will Peters(left) presenting Fisk Addition Neighborhood Association with the 2017 Neighborhood Advocate Award.

2016 Neighborhood Awards

Association of the Year:
King of Arms Neighborhood Association

2016 Neighborhood of the Year Award to King of Arms Neighborhood Association for outstanding quarterly newsletters, ongoing partnerships with the GBPD, a safe Halloween event, 100% attendance to the GBN monthly meetings since their formation, and a reputation for being friendly, open, and gracious.

Outstanding Beautification Award:
Whitney Park Neighborhood Association

2016 Outstanding Beautification Award to Whitney Park Neighborhood Association for a grant to upgrade the lighting in Whitney Park, painted pots placed in the Olde Main district, and an upcoming project for a new gazebo.

Outstanding Communication:
Schmitt Park Neighborhood Association

2016 Outstanding Communication Award to Schmitt Park Neighborhood Association for a new website, refurbished newsletter, successful use of, and new neighbor packets.

Phoenix Award:
Downtown Neighborhood Association

2016 Phoenix Award to Downtown Neighborhood Association for strong working relationships with area businesses, frequent social events, and a large and active board of directors, all since reformation in 2015.

Outstanding Event:
Mather Heights Neighborhood Association

2016 Outstanding Event to Mather Heights Neighborhood Association for their Rededication of Atkinson Park Stone Wall.

Inky Meng Award for Resident Leadership:
Jim Ridderbush

2016 Inky Meng Award for outstanding resident leadership to Jim Ridderbush for his support to numerous local organizations, mentorship to other Associations, and his enthusiasm and dedication to the community.

2015 Neighborhood Awards

Association of the Year:
Marquette Park Neighborhood Association

2015 Neighborhood of the Year Award to Marquette Park Neighborhood Association for their guidance and support to other Neighborhood Associations, as well as outstanding events, beautification initiatives, and overall community support.

Outstanding Beautification Award:
MacArthur Heights Neighborhood Association

2015 Outstanding Beautification Award to MacArthur Heights Neighborhood Association for their 4 consecutive years of an exceptional park clean up event.

Outstanding Communication:
Multiple Neighborhood Association

2015 Outstanding Communication Award to King of Arms Neighborhood Association for impeccable neighborhood communication.
2015 Outstanding Communication Award to Nicolet Drive Neighborhood Association for their “Keep Kids Alive, Drive 35” initiative to combat speeding.
2015 Outstanding Communication Award to Joannes Park Neighborhood Association for their “Hey! That’s My House!” program to increase social media participation among neighbors and promote their weekly neighborhood walk.

Outstanding Event:
Multiple Neighborhood Association

2015 Outstanding Event Award to Alderman Brian Danzinger, Fireman’s Park Neighborhood Association, John Muir Park Neighborhood Association, and MacAthur Heights Neighborhood Association for the West Side Concert Series.

Inky Meng Award for Resident Leadership:
Dan Theno

2015 Inky Meng Award for outstanding resident leadership to Dan Theno for his commitment to make Neighborhood Associations sustainable, serving as a mentor to aspiring leaders, and showing enthusiasm and dedication to making his neighborhood and community a better place.