
GBN is proud to support neighborhood associations and improve Green Bay at the neighborhood level with special projects since 1997.


GBN has provided over $100,000 in Mini-Grants to neighborhood associations for special projects throughout Green Bay, including neighborhood cleanups, music festivals, block parties, community gardens, planters, park pavilion painting, street lighting, little libraries, public art, bike repair stations, and dozens of other initiatives impacting our neighborhoods.

Neighborhood Identification Signs

GBN provides funding sources to manufacture and install neighborhood identification signs throughout Green Bay.

Public Art

GBN has installed public art pieces along the Life of the River public sculptural art walk on the Fox River Trail, and we continue to support neighborhood-based art projects and installations.

Leadership Training Programs

GBN trains neighborhood residents consistently through Leadership Training Programs.

Activity Inventory

GBN provides neighborhood associations with our Activity Inventory, which includes a pop-up movie screen and projector, popcorn machine, bingo kit, sound system and microphones, tents, tables, chairs, and dozens of other tools for fun neighborhood activities.

Read About Our Activity Inventory

Exterior Home Improvement Loans

GBN provides neighbors with exterior home improvement loans to visually improve their neighborhood.

Neighborhood Safety

GBN has assisted neighborhood associations in launching programs which improve neighborhood safety, such as promoting the Community Policing program, funding the Community Service Intern program, the “Drive 25” anti-speeding campaign, and Neighborhood Watch Walks.

Block Party Grants

GBN has provided Block Party Grants to hundreds of neighbors.