
GBN membership is comprised of representatives, typically the president, from active neighborhood associations in Green Bay and members-at-large.

Organization Officers & Staff

Tarl Knight | Chair ✉

Shipyard Neighborhood Association, Seymour Park Neighborhood Association & Tank Park Neighborhood Association

Jim Ridderbush | Vice Chair

Marquette Park Neighborhood Association

Alyssa Proffitt | Secretary

Joannes Park Neighborhood Association

Noel Halvorsen | Treasurer

President & CEO of NeighborWorks Green Bay

Vicki Bokelman 

Lead Staff & Community Outreach Coordinator

Former Chairs

Michael Poradek (2022-2024)   |   Sarah Lueschow (2020-2021)   |   Dan Theno (2018-2019)   |   Noel Halvorsen (2009-2017)   |   Tom Krautkramer (2004-2008)   |   John Gilman (1996-2003)   |   Inky Meng (1996-2003)


Astor Neighborhood Association | Deby Dehn

Astor East River Neighborhood Association | Eric Drzewiecki

Baird Creek Parkway Neighborhood Association | Keri Bakken

Bay Highlands Neighborhood Association | Nicki Goldman

Colburn Neighborhood Association | Inactive

Downtown Neighborhood Association | Christie Barlament

East Shore Drive Neighborhood AssociationEric VandenHeuvel

Fireman’s Park Neighborhood Association | Crystal Moureau

Fisk Addition Neighborhood Association | Anna Kolb

Fort Howard Neighborhood Association | Ally Maass

Fritsch Park Neighborhood Association | Randy Griswold

Imperial Pride Neighborhood Association | Inactive

Joannes Park Neighborhood Association | Alyssa Proffitt

John Muir Park Neighborhood Association | Melinda Eck

Kennedy Park Neighborhood Association | Inactive

King of Arms Neighborhood Association | Hollie Bellovary

Lake Largo Neighborhood Association | Inactive

Lombardi Neighborhood Association | Corey Behnke

MacArthur Heights Neighborhood Association | Sam Bartels

Mahon Creek Neighborhood Association | Ted Finco

Maple Arches Neighborhood Association | Inactive

Marquette Park Neighborhood Association | Jim Ridderbush

Mather Heights Neighborhood Association | Toni Odgers

McAuliffe Park Neighborhood Association | John Crabbe

Murphy Park Neighborhood Association | Landon Rehn

Navarino Neighborhood Association | Casey Kapalczynski

Nicolet Drive Neighborhood Association | Joe Morgan

Northwest Railway Gardens Neighborhood Association | Bill Woods

North Baird Neighborhood Association | Inactive

Oak Grove Neighborhood Association | Inactive

Olde North Neighborhood Association | Sara Theys

Olde Norwood Neighborhood Association | Sly Chou

Olde Preble Neighborhood Association | Inactive

Perkins Park Area Neighborhood Association | Donna Sheedy

Preble Park Neighborhood Association | Inactive

Red Smith Neighborhood Association | Brian Gestrich

Royal Ponds Preserve Neighborhood Association | Inactive

Schmitt Park Neighborhood Association | Rick Jerry

Seymour Park Neighborhood Association | Cathi Oreto

Shipyard Neighborhood Association | Brendan Crabbe

Starlite Neighborhood Association | Debra Tilot

Swiss Hill Neighborhood Association | Yuri Burrows

Tank Park Neighborhood Association | Rylee Osterberg

Three Corners Neighborhood Association | Inactive

Western Corridor Neighborhood Association | Kasey Hock

Whitney Park Neighborhood Association | Garritt Bader

Wilder Park Neighborhood Association | Jason Holterman

Woodside Heights Neighborhood Association | Inactive


Cheryl Renier-Wigg | Development Director, City of Green Bay

Noel Halvorsen | President & CEO, NeighborWorks Green Bay

Will Peters | Neighborhood Development Specialist, City of Green Bay

Natalie Bomstad | Executive Director, Wello

Dale DeNamur | Purchasing Senior Buyer, Brown County Government

Bethe Lane | Co-Owner & Manager, Book Stop

Laura McCoy | President, Green Bay Area Public School District

Tarl Knight | Owner, The Tarlton Theatre/Director, Shipyard District, Inc.

Gail Garrity-Reed | Government Relations, TPI PTAC